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Massimo D. F. Vitale
Ringiovanimento in 3D con radiofrequenza frazionata a microaghi
I processi dell’invecchiamento cutaneo sono molteplici e complessi e avvengono attraverso una serie di processi sia intrinseci che estrinseci. Attualmente, i pazienti sono meno propensi a sottoporsi a interventi chirurgici e/o trattamenti con lunghi tempi di recupero ed è per questo che richiedono sempre di più procedure non invasive con un rapido ritorno alla vita sociale. La Radiofrequenza frazionata associata a microaghi rappresenta una delle più recenti terapie utili nel trattamento dell’invecchiamento cutaneo.
The processes of skin aging are multiple and complex and take place through a series of intrinsic and extrinsic processes. Currently, patients are less likely to undergo surgeries and / or treatments with long downtime and that is why they increasingly require non-invasive procedures with a rapid return to social life. Fractional radiofrequency with microneedles asset is one of the most recent therapies useful in the treatment of skin aging.
The skin aging processes are multiple and complex and take place through a series of both intrinsic and extrinsic processes. Currently, patients are less likely to undergo surgery and / or treatments with long recovery times and that is why they increasingly require non-invasive procedures with a rapid return to social life. The fractional radiofrequency associated with microneedles represents one of the most recent therapies useful in the treatment of skin aging.
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