Journal of drugs in dermatology
2023 May 1;22(5):502-506
DOI: 10.36849/JDD.7630
Sequential Treatment With Topical Trifarotene and Injectable NASHA Gel in Acne Scars: A Case Series
Madga Belmontesi
BACKGROUND: Topical retinoids are a mainstay in acne management and have been shown to improve skin texture. Injectable non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA(TM)) gel as skin booster is largely used in aesthetic treatments to improve skin quality including the appearance of atrophic acne scars.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a new sequential treatment with topical trifarotene and injectable skin booster NASHA gel in acne scars.
METHODS: 10 patients between 19 and 25 years (3 males and 7 females) with previous moderate to severe acne vulgaris on the face with the outcome of atrophic and post-inflammatory slightly hyperpigmented scars were prescribed home short contact therapy (SCT) with topical trifarotene 50 μg/g at the evening for 3 months. A proper skincare routine for sensitive skin was also recommended. The 3-month retinoid therapy was followed by an injectable medical procedure with NASHA gel 20 mg/ml as skin booster. A minimum of 3 sessions to 10 sessions were carried out according to the severity of acne scars and the skin response observed.
RESULTS: Adherence to the treatment was complete and the results evaluated by digital photography showed very effective results with high clinical improvement or almost complete resolution of atrophic acne scars.
CONCLUSION: The results observed in this case series show that the sequential treatment with topical trifarotene and injectable NASHA gel as skin booster can be effective in the progressive reduction of acne scarring, potentially related to a synergic effect of skin
remodeling and collagen stimulation.
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